Our CNC Process
At JDD Furniture, we invest heavily in state-of-the-art machinery to increase productivity, improve production speed, and achieve an unmatched level of consistency. Our wood mill has the latest Apollo CNC Routers, offering precise and automated woodworking. Computers control these machines and can create intricate designs and shapes on wood through various cutting, carving, and engraving operations.
A dedicated team runs our wood mill with years of experience in the trade. The wood mill supervisor oversees the CNC operators and frame assemblers, who can create the skeleton of our products and prepare them for the next stage.
Let's take a deeper look at a day in the life of a CNC operator:
Power up
Upon entering the wood mill, they turn on CNC machines and extraction fans and start the computer program. They then carry out routine checks to ensure the work area is clean and ready for the day.
Check schedule
Every job is meticulously planned to keep the wood mill operating efficiently and ensure the short lead time we are known for. This meticulous planning reassures us of our operational efficiency.
Set machine and tools
Our products can require different materials, deeper or shallower cuts, or varied positioning, so the CNC machines may need to be adjusted to achieve the best results.
Boards are loaded on the CNC bed and set into position. Although a seemingly simple task, any lapse in concentration at this stage could result in imperfections in the pieces. Our CNC operators are committed to maintaining the highest attention to detail.
The drawings created by the Production Designers in Fusion are loaded into the software. VCarve is used to program the machine for cutting. These drawings are meticulously made with unrivalled attention to detail, for any mistakes have repercussions throughout the manufacturing process.
Ready, steady go
The drawings are sent to the CNC machine only once everything has been checked and double-checked. Our operators are methodical in their approach, reducing the risk of errors tenfold before any wood is cut, preventing delays and potential material wastage.
Once the CNC machine has worked its magic and the program is completed, each piece is removed and organized into a predefined system, making it easier for the frame assembly team to begin building the products. The precision of the CNC machine operation ensures the high quality of our products.
Clean up
Finally, before the CNC Operators can start their next job, a general tidy-up is in order. An in-between clean up consists of hoovering the CNC bed to remove debris and cleaning the general area to remove any hazards.
As you would imagine, sawdust is created in vast amounts, and to avoid risks of fire, the CNC collection bags, where the sawdust is gathered, need to be emptied every night.