PureGym HQ

PureGym is known as the UK's favourite gym so naturally when they asked us for multiple Bea meeting pods and a completely bespoke seating solution using their logo, we jumped at the opportunity.

The Meet Up

Firstly we sent our expert sales team to the PureGym HQ, so we could get a feel for their corporate style and get a clear, concise brief mapped out to ensure we perfectly met their needs. One thing that became apparent was they are so much more than just a gym. Fitness and healthy living are engrained in their identity from running tracks and health bars throughout the offices.

The Vision

Ok so what do you offer a company that seems to have everything? Meeting pods! Not just any but our stylish Bea meeting pods. The angular roof adds diversity to the office landscape and really stands out in the chosen colourways. We matched their corporate colours, alternating the interior and exterior fabrics to create a range of meeting pods that sit perfectly in the surroundings. Certain criteria had to be met with our Bea meeting pods: Private spaces for meetings and phone calls. Meeting pods must fit in with the existing style. A strong ventilation system to keep the pods cool at maximum capacity. Must be private but feel open and spacious to use.

View Bea Meeting Pods

The Curveball

With the meeting pods quickly created, we were asked to create a custom seating solution for their reception area to look like their logo! To achieve this, our experienced product and 3D designers worked closely with them to model the perfect seat and make sure it met their vision. Once everyone was happy, we processed the custom design and between a team of 3D modellers, AutoCAD technicians and UK craftsman, we were able to design and manufacture it inhouse at our HQ. I think you'll agree it came out beautifully and we couldn't have been more happy with the work our team put in.

More importantly, PureGym were also delighted with their new bespoke seat.

Any questions or queries?

At JDD Furniture, we pride ourselves on going the extra mile for our existing and new customers. If you have any questions, ideas or you want a quote on a custom job then just drop us a message using the link below.